TeaPet is an integrated platform fully customized for Form Teachers in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions, with the aim of helping teachers manage their classroom effectively.
Wanting to help lessen the burden of teachers, we teamed together to develop TeaPet!

Project Team

Simon Lam


Role: Team Leader
Responsibility: In charge of overall progress and direction of project.

Zhang Yuanyu


Role: Git master
Responsibility: Help team members to get familiar with git tools.

Gary Lim


Role: Integration
Responsibilities: In charge of versioning of the code, maintaining the code repository, integrating various parts of the software to create a whole.

Gerren Seow


Role: Project Scheduling, Tracking and UI/UX
Responsibilities: In charge of assigning and tracking of project tasks. In charge of TeaPet’s front-end outlook.

Lee Huiting


Role: Code quality and Documentation
Responsibilities: Looks after the code, ensures adherence to coding standard. Also responsible of the quality of various project documents.